Transit, Traffic and Transportation

The Transit, Traffic, and Transportation work group has reviewed the strategic plan’s recommendations for this topic area and made revised recommendations to the City.

 Revised Recommendations

Will be presented for ratification by City Council on July 19, 2021

Invest in Transit 

1. Work with Clemson University and neighboring jurisdictions to expand contributions to the CAT bus system and expand the CAT bus system itself - focusing on the frequency of buses, expanded routes, and coordination of all systems. 

2. Fund and find funding partners to conduct a regional traffic study along 123. The Traffic, Transit, and Transportation committee will make further recommendations regarding this segment after the study is completed. 

3. Ensure that new transit lines and transit service link to areas where additional density is planned – including student housing. Development should be encouraged in areas where transportation alternatives such as bus lines and bike paths are already available. 

4. Provide access to public transportation through the provision of bus shelters, transportation nodes, and neighborhood connectivity. 

5. Create and fund a plan to make streets in neighborhoods safe for all types of transit by implementing traffic calming measures such as reduced speed limits and by maintaining vital pedestrian and bike infrastructure such as well-marked and lit crosswalks, appropriate signage, and other safety measures. 

6. Create standard city-wide wayfinding signage clearly indicating the location of bike and walking paths, access to bus stops, routes to parks, and transportation hubs (such as parking garages) and integrate it with commonly used digital wayfinding applications for transit, traffic, and recreation. 

7. Encourage Clemson University to establish policies restricting commuter parking on campus and reducing the number of freshmen with cars. 

Expand Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure 

1. Prioritize funding initiatives that improve the walking and biking connections between the city and campus, especially along highway 93 and College Avenue/133 to the Old Calhoun neighborhood. 

2. In student-centered catalyst areas, establish requirements for developers to put infrastructure in place alongside development.

3. Continue to add and upgrade bike and pedestrian pathways in neighborhoods, connector roads and main thoroughfares. 

4. Foster a culture of alternative transportation focused on biking and walking.

5. Integrate land use decisions with transportation priorities.

Original Recommendations

Invest in Transit 

1. Work with Clemson University and neighboring jurisdictions to expand contributions to the CAT system. 

2. Encourage Clemson University to establish policies restricting student commuter parking on campus. 

3. Ensure that new transit lines and transit service link to areas where additional density is planned - including student housing. 

Expand Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure 

1. Fund implementation of the Downtown Corridor Plan and the Green Crescent Trail, prioritizing segments that improve the walkability and bikeability of 93. 

2. In student-oriented catalyst areas, establish requirements for developers to put infrastructure in place alongside development.


The Transit, Traffic, and Transportation work group meets at 9am on every other Friday via zoom.

Past meetings are available to view on the City of Clemson’s YouTube channel here.

For more information, or to join the meeting, email ClemsonNext.