Workshop Two
Envisioning Uptown

About the Second Workshop
Based on community input during the first workshop, Development Strategies presented three alternatives (shown below) for what is possible in Uptown: What could make it a special place? How will mobility & connectivity work? What types of housing and public space could be created?
The planning team also presented key principles and constraints that shape the alternatives presented: what will be needed to make retail space a success? How do density, land costs, and property ownership shape what development is possible? What are the tradeoffs, and how can we maximize community benefits in the future vision?
Based on community input in this phase, Development Strategies will refine the alternatives into a single development framework for the area. Getting your feedback is critical!
Click the link below to participate in the survey!
Watch the Presentation
In case you weren’t able to attend, watch a live recording of our second public workshop here, and download the presentation slides (below):
Three Alternatives for Uptown
What is possible for Uptown?
Visualizations and information about the three alternatives are available in the gallery above and within a PDF in the link below!
What did we hear?
Below is a summary of the community feedback from workshop 1 and how it influenced the alternatives explored. You can also download and explore this summary here!